Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Little Snow Never Hurt... Day 2.

When thinking about going for a run today, I really contemplated whether or not I should. I want to follow the training guide I've selected, but I also know I need to get my lungs back... so with that I decided I would head out in the little snow storm for a short 3.5 miles.

Not to mention I had a little extra motivation to get a run in as I waited 20 minutes this morning to go to Famous Footwear to pick out a new pair of running shoes. I knew I needed a new pair that would last me through the training and actual race, as the sneakers I had were definitely wearing down and the support wasn't there as much. My new shoes aren't my typical black and yellow in Bruins spirit, but I think they fit me quite nicely!

New Running Sneakers (the colors aren't as clear but it's blue and bright orange)

The run itself felt pretty good for the most part, although I did feel that it could go better. I think once I'm on the schedule of having Sundays as a rest day it'll be better. Considering all the factors of my day so far, I think the distance and pace was pretty good for me. I had been up since 5am... driven to Hampton, NH.... stood coaching field hockey for 2 hours... drove back to Boston... had a Luna Bar and then bundled up to head out. I believe if I hadn't have had field hockey, the run would have either been a little quicker pace or I could have pushed it a little further.  But overall I ran at a faster pace and felt pretty good. 

It was funny as I was being told through my headphones that I had .5 miles left, I could hear my high school track coach yelling across the track to "stride it out" and began to do exactly that. Anytime we had distance track workouts he always told us to stride it out and lengthen our stride as it helped with our form, our speed, and overall feeling while running the longer workouts. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that he's still in my head 10 years later...

I also started my new pre-run regiment. 

I'll keep you posted how the glucosamine feels for my joints and knees once it's regularly in my system. But I think starting with some Tylenol is going to be a key component of my training. 

Today's Run:

Tomorrow's Distance: 4 miles


  1. LOVE IT! :) he's out bringing in wood but I'll show this to him when he gets in! :) Can't wait to "follow" you! :)

  2. Stride it out...pick your knees up...and if you need a motivational tape of my voice, if the voice in your head isn't strong enough, I can record one. Keep up the GOOD work! :) ~ Carbo
