Saturday, February 9, 2013

Well it wasn't a 12 mile run...

...But it was a 6 mile walk in full snow gear and snow boots walking in the Nemo aftermath.

Somehow last night walking back from the bars, my keys to my apartment were consumed and are currently missing in action. I suspect it was when I wiped out and took a digger in the snow when trying to cross the street with snow piles taller than me.

Realizing that I had no way to get into my apartment, and with a cell phone with no battery, panic started to set in. My poor friend felt helpless as he couldn't do anything to help. Lucky for him, we're still new friends, so I didn't allow myself to have a full on panic attack with tears. But trust me. They were there just waiting.

The funny thing about snow storms is that everyone becomes more friendly. No one was allowed to drive, and no public transportation was running, but everyone was out shoveling and saying hi and meeting their neighbors for the first time. Lucky for me, my neighbors were home and allowed me into their condo to charge my phone and figure out how I was going to get into my apartment.

After trying my back door using the fire escape, and asking the liquor store downstairs if they had any keys (and they did, just not ones that worked on my door) I was finally able to get in touch with my roommate and this is where my workout began.

He was staying at a friends for the weekend, in the South End. As I just mentioned, there were no forms of transportation available so my only option was to walk. In the snow. In the wind. Across the town.

My unimpressed face. 
3 hours later I was finally home and warm in my apartment. It was definitely a work out and I was exhausted from it. As I walked more miles, my snow pants only got heavier with the wet slush that I had been trudging through. 

The only down part on top of all this was the Bruins game being cancelled tonight. Now what am I suppose to do?

Tomorrow is technically a rest day as I was suppose to have done 12 miles today, but I might try and get out and get some sort of exercise in since I didn't get the full mileage in. Come on Nemo... go away.

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